The Bowen Basin Geologists Group (BBGG) is a not-for-profit special interest group of the Geological Society of Australia’s (GSA) Coal Geology Group (CGG). The BBGG was formed for coal geologists (and associated disciplines) to engage in topical discussions about the challenges and opportunities associated with our field in the industry.
The BBGG has been run by volunteers from across industry, research, and consulting since its inception in the early 1980’s. It is currently Chaired by Ashley James, with Peter Handley as Secretary, and Natasha Thompson as the Honorary Treasurer of the BBGG through her role as Treasurer of the CGG. The group also has a BBGG-ACARP Liaison; tenure currently held by David Drakeley.
Membership is free, and we rely on industry support to host events. Each quarter, the BBGG hosts one-day site visits Queensland mine sites or locations of significance to coal Geologists. You can sign up for membership or update your membership profile if you wish to be kept notified of our upcoming events on the Members menu at the top of this page. We are always looking for sites to host meetings. If you or your company are interested, please do not hesitate to get in contact with the BBGG Secretary.
There are three other events that the BBGG hosts, which can’t be successful without sponsorship from the industry:
- The Bowen Basin Symposium, which is held every five years, is the only event we have a registration fee for. It brings up to 600 national and international delegates together every five years to foster the exchange of technical ideas for the solution of common geological challenges and to maintain an awareness of new technologies. Planning is currently underway for our 8-10 September 2021 event at the Mackay Entertainment and Convention Centre.
- The BBGG-ACARP Meeting, which is hosted biennially and proudly supported by ACARP and CQUniversity, who offer the venue & facilities to host the meeting to support the event.
- The Leichhardt Award Dinner, which is hosted on the evening of the first day of the BBGG-ACARP Meeting to celebrate the achievements of the Leichhardt Award recipient. This recipient is nominated by their peers in recognition of original contribution to the advancement of coal geology or related disciplines in Queensland.